Are you ready for a spill?

“Why do I need a spill kit?” Even though the 21st century has brought along huge advancements in spill contamination awareness and subsequent regulations. You will be surprised at how many companies are still letting things go down the drain, literally. The thought is a leak here and there, a few drops of oil washed into the gutter can’t have that much of an effect but it actually does.

Yes, a lot of pollution in this regard is created by big spills from large tankers who fall victim to accidents, mechanical failure, or even theft. Believe it or not, a high majority spills is actually a result of material handling issues and accidents on a smaller scale or on site-specific environments.

The South African National Standards (SANS) 1186 stipulates “all transporters, manufacturers, suppliers and industries working with a Hazmat Product is to ensure that every proactive measure is taken to ensure firstly the prevention, active management and in the event of a spillage, the re-active and proper management of spillages. “

Obviously, these regulations exist for a reason and one way to pro-actively raise awareness around the workplace is to have a spill kit in strategic places. This actually serves as a visual reminder that things can go wrong and it is for this reason that the answer to the question “why do I need a spill kit?” becomes more and more obvious.

Shasa Group specialises in a wide range of spill containment products, such as absorbent material, absorbent booms, absorbent, socks. We supply oil spill kits, chemical spill kits, universal spill kits, hazmat spill kits. You can choose between spill kits in bins or in bags which are portable units. On the higher end of the range, we supply spill decks and spill pallets. We also have a wide range of polyethylene drip trays. All products are readily available so give us a call on 011 7433076 or email us on for a comprehensive quote.

